Wednesday 19 March 2008

Through the glasses of... - podcast!

Thanks to my great teacher, Joe, now you can LISTEN to 'Through the glasses of... a different person', my latest story.

Can't get enough of it? :) Check out the rest of Joe's podcasts, too! ;)

Wednesday 5 March 2008

Through the glasses of... a different person

Close your eyes. Walk. Feel. Experience. It's dark in here -- very dark.

Find the handle. It's right there in front of you, you just need to guess at what height. You push it and enter the room. Pass your hand over the wall. It runs into something hard. Made of wood, tall and wide. There are shelves in it -- you can feel them. You go further. Step cautiously. You bump into a table. Yes, it's obviously a table. And chairs, there are chairs as well. You touch them -- so now you see them.

You continue to pace carefully. The material of the floor has changed -- it's different to walk on it. Harder and you can hear the knocking of your heels. You touch the wall. It's cold. You make a few steps ahead. You stretch out your hand. Your palm perceives an object. Smooth down your hand on it -- see it? A cooker. And there is a cupboard nearby. A tap. You feel it's a tap.

Look for a glass. Not so easy if you don't remember where you put it. You find it. Now try to pour some water into it. Reach out for the tap. Empty space, empty space -- finally something. You feel the metal tube of the tap. Now you only need to drag your palm further and open it. Got it.

You move further gingerly with the glass of water in your hand. Again there is a door in front of you. You go through it. Soft breeze touches your face. It brings you the scent of spring flowers. A pretty warm weather, you can feel it on your skin. Hear the birds singing? What a beautiful day. Just it's dark out here. Still dark. Very dark.

(Click here for the source of the picture.)